Round 1
This house would disallow children form joining religions until they were adults.
Round 2
This house regrets the rise of slacktivism.
Slacktivism is showing support for a cause mainly through low-cost means. Examples include signing online petitions and copying/sharing social media statuses.
Round 3
This house believes global action on climate change should focus on limiting consumerism rather than replacing unsustainable energy methods.
Round 4
This house believes that early childhood education should actively undermine gender roles.
Round 5
This house regrets the rise of the on-demand economy.
The on-demand economy is defined as the economic activity created by digital marketplaces and technology companies to fulfil consumer demand. This means we have immediate access to goods and services, through the use of apps and the internet. For example, Uber is part of the on-demand economy; taxis are not. Other examples included Airbnb, Takealot and UberEats.
Round 6
This house believes that cancel culture does more harm than good.
Cancel culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – either online on social media, in the real world, or both. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to be “cancelled”.
Round 7
This house would require voters to pass a test before voting.
Round 8
This house regrets the glorification of wealth in pop culture.
Open and Plate Quarter Final
This house would abolish standardised exams.
Open and Plate Semi-Final
This house believes that climate change activism should be led by scientific experts (e.g. Bill Nye, Michael Mann) as opposed to civil society activists (e.g. Alexandra Orcassio-Cortez, Greta Thunberg).
Plate Final
This house would provide welfare in basic goods and services rather than cash payments.
Open Final
In times of crisis (economic depressions, natural disasters, pandemics), this house believes that states should suppress individual rights in the interest of crisis recovery. Examples of individual rights include, but are not limited to, movement, access to information and right to privacy.